Often Asked Questions
River Fund, Inc. is a local non-profit agency providing direct emergency and crisis services to families and individuals in Bullhead City, Ft. Mohave, Golden Shores/Topock, Golden Valley, and Mohave Valley, Arizona. Services are also provided for Laughlin, Nevada, and Needles, California. Various services are also considered outside of this direct service area through River Fund grant programs, established to assist other non-profit organizations engaged in similar humanitarian programs.
No single agency can do it alone - River Fund is the most effective way to improve lives and strengthen our community and provides program grants to several local agencies that will enhance the entire region's quality of life.
- River Fund works with the community to make lasting changes.
- River Fund focuses on critical need areas to ensure maximum impact for your donations.
- River Fund provides direct services to qualified persons needing emergency assistance.
- River Fund provides leadership and resources to our community.
Services include, but are not limited to:
- Utility bills/deposits;
- Appliance repair/replacement;
- Disaster relief (partial or complete destruction of dwelling);
- Transportation/vehicle repairs;
- Rent and Mortgage payments;
- Medical bills (office visit co-pays, prescriptions, COBRA payments, transportation, medical equipment, and other medical-related issues or needs;
- Temporary housing;
- An unexpected loss of living expenses;
- Legal document replacement; and
- Other major hardships on a case-by-case basis.
- The quality of life in your community affects everyone;
- Funding resources have been on the decline while the need for assistance is on the rise.
- Because every donation counts.
- You can make a difference.
An employee of participating businesses may become a "River Giver" through automatic payroll deduction or direct contribution. Payroll deduction forms are available through human resources/benefits departments, or download the form that best suits your situation. There are three options:
River Fund donors will also qualify for the Employee Donor Crisis Fund. When an employee becomes a "River Giver" through automatic payroll deduction or direct contribution, they are eligible for assistance through the Employee Donor Crisis Fund, often at higher dollar amounts than the guidelines for other assistance funds allow for.
- Financial assistance or other aid in case of unexpected hardship or personal crises, no matter where you live;
- It's an employee benefit for those that enroll as a "River Giver" through payroll deduction. Employees can become eligible for financial assistance only afforded those that are registered as "River Givers." Contributions are also tax-deductible.
- Ninety (90) days after enrollment, both full-time and part-time employees are eligible. Assistance is provided to the employee or their immediate family members (parents, spouses, and unmarried children that qualify as dependents on tax records).
- Employee contributions can be shared with fellow workers. River Givers can donate their accumulated funds to help a co-worker if a catastrophic event occurs requiring large sums of money.
- Employees working in a participating business but living outside the River Fund service area are still eligible for benefits.
Each request for assistance is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, requests may not qualify based upon the circumstances and available funding.
Yes. The River Fund's fundraising efforts annually provides financial support through mini-grants from our Program Grants Fund to our Tri-State's local qualifying non-profit organizations as well as annual C.A.R.E. grants during the holiday season. The River Fund Donor Form allows donors to designate their contribution to a local charity of their choice. Since River Fund's inception in July 2010 through December 2023, 182 grants totaling $934,794.00 were awarded to LOCAL non-profit organizations, plus $97,620.28 was also awarded to LOCAL non-profit organizations as a result of donors designating their funds to specific charities.
Because of private donations, volunteers, and contributions, along with support from Clark County officials and Mohave Electric Cooperative, overhead expenses remained under 15% for the first seven years of operation. Staffing, supplies, campaign expenses, and other miscellaneous costs have increased slightly, moving the administrative expense cap to 18% in 2018. Currently, 82% of donations received go directly to River Fund programs and assistance to individuals.
Perhaps. But now you have a choice. River Fund, Inc. is a LOCAL organization operated by LOCAL people in support of our LOCAL citizens. Consider becoming a "River Giver." Your human resources/benefits office will be able to provide additional details upon request.